Complaints procedure

It goes without saying that we make every effort to carry out our work as well as possible and to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. Despite our efforts, it can happen that you are not satisfied. We, therefore, offer you three possibilities to make your complaint known to us.

Report to NLinBusiness employee

If you have a complaint, you can report it directly to one of our employees. He or she will discuss the complaint with you in order to find a solution. If you are unable to resolve the complaint together, you can submit the complaint in writing to the management team of NLinBusiness ( You will then be contacted by telephone within 5 working days. One of the management team members will discuss your complaint with you with the aim of resolving it satisfactorily.

Report to managing director NLinBusiness

If your complaint is not sufficiently resolved, or if your complaint takes longer than three weeks to resolve, you can submit your complaint to the director of NLinBusiness via email: He or she will contact you to resolve the complaint jointly and satisfactorily.

External complaints officer

If, after following the above steps, your complaint is still insufficiently resolved, or your complaint takes longer than two months to resolve, you can submit your complaint to the external complaints officer of NLinBusiness, the controller of VNONCW MKB Nederland ( and a member of the Supervisory Board. The Complaints Officer will advise you with regard to submitting a complaint and assist you in formulating the complaint and investigating the possibilities to reach a solution. All this in consultation with the member of the Supervisory Board.